Monday, November 2, 2009

Not updating

Sorry I have not been writing much, my work has been pretty hectic lately. Well, we had Halloween this past weekend and it was pretty hectic. Friday was pretty normal, not much happened. Saturday turned out to be a nice day outside. The weather has finally turned nicer and rain is out of the foreseeable forecast.

My wife's friend and husband came over with their kid and Tiffany made chili. We ate Frito pie and the kids went trick-or-treating. It took one time for my youngest to figure out what trick-or-treating was all about. After the first time, we had to stop him from going to houses that did not have their lights on.

The kids went down pretty good that night, but come Sunday night Mason did not want to go to sleep. We think it was a combination of the candy that he had earlier in the day, eating a big supper and the time change. Can't think of anything else that it could have been.

Here are some pics from this past Halloween.

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