Tuesday, April 29, 2008

New Pics...

Well, I know it has taken some time, but here are some pics of Megan and Mason. Not much going on here other than the baby.

I stoped playing WoW, so don't expect to see much WoW talk. I really don't expect to start back up. My focus has changed since moving to LR, more family and less computer. What I really need to do is get back into Linux/Unix for hobby use.

Ever since getting married, my focus has changed and now with a job shift I need to get back to what i enjoy, learning new things.

As I mentioned before, here are the pis of Megan and Mason...

Nana with Megan and Mason

Mason Laying down

Megan enjoying being a big sis

Close up of Mason

Mason at birth

Mother and Brother trying to figure out which end is up :-)

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