Monday, June 23, 2008


Sorry for the lack of post. I went out of town for training in Orlando and got back and had so many things to do that updating this blog was not close to my mind. While I was out of town, Megan had her "show me night" at dance/tumble. I will try and get the video up in the next few days. I have to do some editing with the video.

Well, a lot has happened since I last wrote. As I mentioned earlier I went to Orlando for some MS training. Let me tell you, coming from a Unix/Linux background I was skeptical. It was an eye opener. MS looks to have some nice server products out, with Server core 2008, IIS7 and Hyper-V.

I also got a new grill and have been using it and am really loving charcoal. I ended up getting a Weber One touch Silver and getting a clay pot to put under it for the ash. It works very well. The next thing I want to do is some smoking. Ribs, chicken, something easy for my first attempt. I also need to get a thermometer for the grill so I know what the temperature is while grilling.


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