Friday, June 27, 2008


I know that I don't talk about this much, but something I read got me thinking. Did you know that this is the first US war that we have gone into without raising taxes. Instead of raising taxes to fund the war, we borrowed 750 Billion to 1 Trillion dollars form other countries. This is one of the reasons that the US dollar is so weak and a reason that the US economy is doing so bad.

So now that we know that, what can be done about it? My mother raised me to save money and to buy things when I had the money for it and guess what, this is what I have done though out my life and I have very little debt. Why can't we do the same for our country? Isn't it the same but just on a much larger scale?

I want to ask this to the candidates that are running for President. If there is someone out there that reads this little blog that has email address for each of the candidates, can you please reply so I can ask what plan they have to get us out of foreign debt.

Enough politics now, again if anyone knows of the email address of the candidates that I can send some questions to, please post them.

Monday, June 23, 2008


Sorry for the lack of post. I went out of town for training in Orlando and got back and had so many things to do that updating this blog was not close to my mind. While I was out of town, Megan had her "show me night" at dance/tumble. I will try and get the video up in the next few days. I have to do some editing with the video.

Well, a lot has happened since I last wrote. As I mentioned earlier I went to Orlando for some MS training. Let me tell you, coming from a Unix/Linux background I was skeptical. It was an eye opener. MS looks to have some nice server products out, with Server core 2008, IIS7 and Hyper-V.

I also got a new grill and have been using it and am really loving charcoal. I ended up getting a Weber One touch Silver and getting a clay pot to put under it for the ash. It works very well. The next thing I want to do is some smoking. Ribs, chicken, something easy for my first attempt. I also need to get a thermometer for the grill so I know what the temperature is while grilling.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

30 Days..

I have been watching a show called "30 Days". Maybe someone of you have heard of the show, it is a reality show in which one person does something for 30 days. In the first episode of last season the host decided that he and his girlfriend would go live on minimum wage for 30 days. They found out how hard it was just living on aluminums wage and end the end, one of them had to work 2 full time jobs, just to keep up.

Going from this, I want to start a 30 days experiment. I am still thinking about what I can do for 30 days. I want to do something that will take me out of my confront zone because I believe that anything worth having takes work.

I thought about trying to bike to work for 30 days, but realized that I still have to take kids to daycare/school so that would be out. Other things I am thinking of is not eating meat, or no sodas. I am not sure what would I should do.

I know I have a problem with self control, so whatever I do will test me with this. Whatever I do, I will blog about it here, and I will tell you day by day what is going on.