We are having a boy. Went today with Tiffany, and had an ultrasound done, and we are having a boy. Got a lot of pictures taken, attached are 2. Tiffany does not think that I am excited, but I am, but this is different than when we had Megan. I am going into this, knowing what to expect. Having our second child I hope will be easier than having our first and this will be our last.
On another note, I will be traveling up to Harrison, AR for work tomorrow. I have to setup a new Windows server. Harrison, AR is about 3 hours away from Little Rock. Leaving around 6-7 in the morning and will try to get up there around 9-10. Never been up that way, so kind of looking forward to it.
On a gaming note, started leveling a BE mage, currently at 21. Trying to get him up to around 30 quickly to play with a buddy that just started back. My focus has changed, less raiding and more just having fun with friends. Getting on vent, BSing and just having fun playing a game.
I think that is the main reason why I still play, to keep in touch with my friends. If I did not have anyone I knew online I doubt I would be playing again. I have been using a leveling guide, so far so good, I am hoping now that I am 20, the new xp gains since patch 2.3 will really help get me to Outland.
Till another time...
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